Happy Mother’s Day!

I hope everyone had a great day. The family fixed me breakfast and gave me cards. My husband took them to the store for gifts, gave them a spending limit, and told them to get something they thought I would like. I love this! My daughter got me a necklace, with a mother of pearl charm, for relaxation, and my son got me a bumper for my apple watch, very thoughtful. This experiment gave them a money lesson, working with a limit, and got them to think about me and what I might like, want, or need. I got to see how they think as well. My daughter and I have been working on relaxation and managing emotions, so this fits right in. My son loves technology, and he explained how easy it is to break the apple watch’s face, which would protect it. Very practical. My husband got me a beautiful bouquet of Tulips, which are my favorite flower. I also don’t remind them of mother’s day. I feel like they should remember, and TV and Hallmark send out enough reminders.

My sister-in-law has a different approach. She reminds the family Mother’s Day is coming and picks out some items and puts them in the amazon cart to pick from. She got a beautiful set of Turkish Lamp’s. Either approach is great. We both had a great day. We met up later in the afternoon with all the kids, played outside, and grilled out. It was a beautiful day.

We also asked the kids what their favorite memory of mom was. My son commented how he enjoyed the activity we had just completed yesterday, going through some old pictures to find some of the Camaro ( to be posted soon). Not sure if he felt on the spot, which was the first thing he could think of, or if it was true. Later that day, he took pictures of our day, and he said we might want to look back on these later. {insert love and pride here}

My daughter said she remembers when she was little how I had gone away for work and how happy she was when I came back home. {insert mom guilt here} She did not appear to be saying this some kind of guilt trip, but more to the fact that she likes it when I come back home. Why am I always psychoanalyzing what my kids say, and what it means, and how will this impact them when they are thirty????

As for me, my favorite memories of them, other than the day they were born, of course, The day we picked Bailey up from her first Summer Girls Scout Camp. This was a completely different kid; she was bold, independent self-assured as she took me around and showed us all the stuff she did all by herself for the week. For Gunner, when we went camping on our own and took charge of the weekend, he told me what he wanted to do and managed all the camping equipment and fire cooking. He did not need me to take care of him, and we had a great time.

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I am Robin Roberts, a 49-year-old mother of teenage twins, Wife to a stay-at-home husband, Project Manager for an Automotive Software company, and Car Lover. I started this blog in an effort to make my mess, my message, and share with you the trials tribulations of car restoration and family life. I am hoping to make a little extra cash to support my car habit.

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